Welcome to FPSA!

Welcome Back to School!
Posted on 08/26/2024
Welcome back

Welcome to another school year! We hope that you and your loved ones have had a safe and restful summer. We are excited to welcome our students to Fisher Park/Summit Alternative on Tuesday. We look forward to welcoming all of our Grade 7 & 8 students during our Orientation week next week in order to help prepare ALL students at FPSA with their new routines. 

A great deal of information will come home in the first few days (lunch and break routines, many online forms, lockers, Breakfast club, Pizza days etc...). What you need to know now: 

  • Classes: Class placements will be released on Tuesday. Students can arrive in the school yard anytime after 8:30 a.m. All FPSA staff will be outside helping students find their classes and their homeroom teachers. We recognize the worry of the unknown for many of our students and we do everything we can to ease this transition. Students will receive their timetables on Tuesday and we have a week of events for students to meet their peers and acclimatize to the intermediate setting. 

  • Breaks: Students will have two 45 minute nutrition breaks and are encouraged to bring a refillable water bottle. Students are not to leave school property during these times until further notice. 

  • School supplies: are voluntary. The school will have supplies available for students. Some families prefer to purchase them, and if so, this voluntary supply list provides an idea of the kinds of supplies that are used by grade. We encourage families to wait until students have connected with teachers as more guidance and specifics can be provided.  

  • Here is the voluntary supply list: French/English dictionary, pencil case, 12 pencils, 2 erasers, 2 highlighters, scissors, 2 glue sticks, ruler, calculator, 3 ballpoint pens, coloured pencils, 2 packages of 3-hole lined refill paper, duotangs, coloured markers, geometry set, 3 binders, binder dividers, lock, and water bottle. 

  • Lockers: Students will have lockers and are asked to supply their own combination lock, please come to the office if you are unable to provide a lock.
  • Devices: Personal phones and devices are not permitted during school hours. We ask that devices are secured in lockers or remain at home. The exception to this would be the use of a personal computer or chromebook during class time with teacher permission. 
  • Physical Education & Indoor/Outdoor Shoes: more information to come from your teachers next week. Intermediate students are always encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather - rain, sleet or snow!
  • Student Transportation: Students who live further than 1.6 km from the school will receive a Presto pass from OC Transpo. These students will be provided with their Presto pass on the first day of school, so students will need to manage their own transportation on the first day of school.  

    As we shared during our orientation presentation in the Spring, we do not have any school bus transportation. All students who live closer than 1.6 km will need to be transported by parents, or walk/bike to school.

    More information regarding student transportation is available here - 

  • Bike and Scooter Locks: As the number of scooters and bicycles increase at FPSA, students are being asked to bring a lock to secure their scooters and bicycles as there is no indoor storage for these micromobility vehicles. 
  • School Hours: Start time of 8:45; first break at 10:45 - 11:30; second break 1:30 - 2:15; final bell at 3:15 
  • Pick up & Drop off: For safety and supervision, parents are asked to pick up and drop off at the Harmer entrance

We hope this gives everyone a little insight into our first week at Fisher Park/Summit Alternative School. We are all very much looking forward to our year together!
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