Our 2019 Genius Hour was an enormous success! All of our projects were interesting and noteworthy! Below are some sample projects, video clips and photos. Summit Grade 8's - we are very proud of what you accomplished with these passion projects!
Simon M's Video Game & Coding - How to Slides & Website Link
Alec GV's Is Faster than Light Travel Possible?
Seamus M's Go-Kart Construction
These are only a few projects that were shared with us. They were all fantastic and we are so proud of them!
Fisher Park/Summit Genius Hour is an exceptionally exciting initiative that we feel is invaluable to our students' education as it affords them the opportunity and time to pursue their passions or interests. As teachers, we see that when students are able to take ownership of their own learning, the benefits are immeasurable: They develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills. They demonstrate innovation, curiosity, creativity, perseverance and many other life-skills.
Throughout this year, various classes are undertaking this new initiative at different times. Relevant deadlines and sharing dates are communicated to classes as required.
The premise behind Genius Hour is that students discover and learn about a passion or an interest they may have. Students need to research their self-selected topic, passion or interest. They will produce something (a performance, model, presentation, artifact....the list is endless...) based upon their research and ultimately share the project with someone (their peers, teachers, families, or a broader audience). While the Genius Hour project does not need to be directly linked to the curriculum, the research and inquiry component links to many cross-curricular areas. In fact, what are commonly referred to as 21st Century learning outcomes (e.g., collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, etc...) are the key elements observed and assessed.
What is Genius Hour? Please view a short youtube video below:
At Fisher Park/Summit, some classes will be running Genius Hour for one period a day, for two weeks straight OR for two periods a week over approximately six weeks. Students will be provided a great deal of teacher facilitation and guidance during the process which will accommodate all levels of learners. We welcome any parents who would like to join us during Genius Hour time, please contact your child's teacher to coordinate the specifics. If parents feel that they have expertise to share (technology, crafting skills etc...) we would welcome any time or expertise you can offer. Once projects are established, we will send out a more specific request for expertise that can complement what is being offered in the classroom.
Students have been introduced to the project and have been asked to complete a project proposal (either by hard copy or via Google Classroom on their homeroom page). This is a fabulous opportunity for your children to learn about/create/discover/teach something to both themselves and others. We encourage you to discuss this amongst yourselves in order to encourage and draw out some of your child's creative juices.
Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher in order to discuss this project in more detail and we hope you enjoy the process and the projects as much as we do!
To learn more, please view the Genius Hour Presentation below.
Genius Hour Presentation (2017)
Please contact your child's homeroom teacher if you have any additional questions about this project.
The Fisher Park/Summit Staff