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Grade 8's: Grad Photos, Yearbooks & Grad Composite Photos

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Graduation Photos

Graduation Photos are scheduled for March 25 & 26th. Each student will have 4 photos taken, with the option to include some fun props. Approximately two weeks after photo day, students will receive a proof for review. The company recommends a white collared shirt, however, students are encouraged to wear whatever makes them feel great!

Composite photos

Grad composite photos are a larger single page print that contains the grad photo of all Grade 8 students at FPSA. It can be a lovely memory for our students to have. All students will have access to a digital copy at and families will have the option to purchase a printed copy. 

Grade 8 Yearbooks

Grade 8 students will have the opportunity to purchase a yearbook in the spring for $10-$12 (to be confirmed). We are currently looking for grade 8 submissions for the yearbook cover that represent FPSA as a whole. More information can be found on Grade 8 homeroom Google Classrooms. Submissions are due to by Friday, March 21st.

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